Important Dates and Deadlines
●The deadline to withdraw from a Mini I course is Thursday, September 29th.
●The deadline to withdraw from a full-term fall course is Thursday, November 10th.
□Withdrawal requests must be in writing and submitted to the Office of Student Services prior to the deadline.
□Students who withdraw from courses receive a grade of “W.”
□Students who do not withdraw prior to the deadline will receive the grade earned in the course (A, B, C, D, F).
□Please note that excessive withdrawals negatively affect financial aid eligibility.
□The 60% mark of the full-term semester is Tuesday, October 25th. Students are not considered to have fully “earned” federal financial aid unless they have participated in courses beyond this date. Complete withdrawals prior to this date may result in students being required to repay a portion of federal funds.
Mini II Courses (begin October 13th)
Students are encouraged to add courses to their schedules for Mini II as soon as possible via SSCC Online registration. The term begins October 13th. It offers an opportunity for students to gain additional hours and get closer to earning a degree.
Take time to look over the attached file to see all of the course offerings for Mini II.
Here are a few suggestions to get you started…
●If you need a fine arts course, both Music Appreciation (MUS101) and Theatre Appreciation (THR120) are available.
●REL100, SPA101, SPH107 are being offered for those needing a humanities course.
●If you are looking for a literature course, American Literature I (ENG251) will be taught at the Arab site. The only prerequisite to this course is ENG102.
●Did you know that there is an English Composition I (ENG101) section available on Monday afternoons? This is just one of many options.
●Of course, there are also options available for those needing math or history classes.
●Are you trying to enroll in a lab science? BIO103 is on the schedule but needs more people to register in order for the class to remain for Mini II.
●I know several students were disappointed that the psychology classes filled up so quickly for the full-term. As a result, a section of PSY200 will be offered on Monday nights.
●Some students prefer to take courses online. Intro to Spanish I (SPA101) and Theatre Appreciation (THR120) are on the Mini II schedule.
And, finally, a few suggestions regarding courses that will count as electives in Area V of the general education major. We encourage students to register for these courses for personal enrichment.
●ART176 (Film Making): this course is being taught by Dr. Miller, Snead’s Chief Academic Officer. It is rare that you will ever see Dr. Miller on campus without his camera. Thus, this class is one not to miss as Dr. Miller shares his expertise in the subject.
●CIS146 (Multimedia for the World Wide Web)
●PED100 (Fundamentals of Fitness): Wow! What a great way to take care of your health and get college credit at the same time!
It is important that you register for Mini II courses SOON!